
Unique Countryball designs
Tons of Countryballs To choose from, unique designs, with extra accessories and skins that can be unlocked through gameplay
Choose your Country!
Real-time Battles
Select your units and send them anywhere in the world they can reach.
Send hundreds of Units and Vehicles into war against Multiple enemy factions!
Combat is similar to any other real-time Strategy game, select your Units and give them any commands available to them. Send Units to war and even command some to build structures. The choice is yours!


Players will battle across a real-world map designed specifically for Countryballs! Beautiful, colorful, diverse map with all types of environments like snow, desert, volcanic, beaches, and more!
Navigate throughout the seas with small boats or massive battle cruisers.
Use submarines to stealthy attack enemy units and remain hidden.
Small boats can help ground units transverse across the seas
Battle Cruisers are the strongest and deadliest sea vehicles created, with high attack and high defense, the only thing that can stand against a battle cruiser is a good strategy


Manage your GDP and Oil Reserves!
Bunker- train basic Units and when upgraded, can even build Artillery, Transport Vehicles, tanks, and more!
Sea-Port- Create Boats, Ships, and submarines
Air-Port- Basic Scout Planes and Zeppelins
Build Military, Economic, and Defense Structures!
Economic structures help to build your economy.
Military Structures allow you to build your military.
Defense Structures stand guard and defend your base from all enemies

Manage your GDP and Oil Reserves!
GDP- This is your country's main currency and is used to buy everything in the game.
Oil- Your country's secondary currency. Use this to purchase more technically advanced units and structures
This is your research tree. You can take your country down a few different paths and or even mix them up.
Each Ideology will be similar to another but will have some very unique abilities.

Outfit your entire Army!
Caps- Choose from a variety of caps unique to each class.
Outfits- Fully dress your soldiers in military outfits and officer suits.
Backpacks- And not just backpacks but Cloaks as well giving your soldiers a awesome military feel!
These are strictly cosmetic and do not give any stats or boost
Collections! Collect a large variety of objects from simple collection objects for bragging rights, to new skins for your Countryballs, your Arsenal, and even your structures allowing you to fully customize your entire Army